- #Changing serial number windows xp install
- #Changing serial number windows xp upgrade
- #Changing serial number windows xp pro
- #Changing serial number windows xp Pc
Edition Service Pack 1 Intergrated PROPER Key : 7QVT6-T2738-WRKJB-YKRFQ-XVK98 9774
#Changing serial number windows xp pro
Windows XP Pro SP2 Intergrated TYPE Repack SN: BRP6M-RC9CJ-VWDRK-KP2C2-9QFGW 16 166.Microsoft Windows XP Professional SP2 Integrated READ NFO SN : CD87T-HFP4C-V7H7H-8VY68-W7D7M RH6M6-7PPK4-YR86H-YFFFX-PW8M8 16 172.Microsoft Windows XP Professional SP2 Integrated POLiSH 16 401 SN : MYV37-2YMH7-YBHVW-VXJHM-489TB.
#Changing serial number windows xp Pc
Windows XP Tablet PC Edition 2005 (c) Microsoft SN: BGBHP-VGPP7-QHTXB-TPV36-CK8T8 16 544.Microsoft Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005 CD NR 16 643 SN : C4BH3-P4J7W-9MT6X-PGKC8-J4JTM.
#Changing serial number windows xp upgrade
#Changing serial number windows xp install
Kalian pernah install Windows XP gak.? kalau pernah, pasti membutuhkan serial number kan.? tapi kadang serialnya gak ada atau lupa, pasti bingung. It is getting difficult to download anything from Microsoft without a valid serial number.Hallo sobat blogger. It pays to have a valid serial number on all of your machines – in more ways than just keeping the BSA happy. The activation wizard should load and tell you your copy of windows has already been activated. You can then check if the serial number has been changed, and is valid by calling this at the command line:

XPChangeSerial.vbs xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx Simply save the script file to a convient location, and call it from the command line using the new serial number: Serial Change script for XP w/sp1 or greater: XPChangeSerialSP1.vbs Serial Change script for XP: XPChangeSerial.vbs Microsoft has provided two scripts for updating a Windows XP serial number. In these situations it is nice to change the machine to a valid serial number without having to totally re-install the operating system. Right from the start I make sure the customer purchases the proper licensing from Microsoft – It only takes one call from an angry employee to cause the company a world of grief. Many times when I start working at a new customer I find a few copies of XP that have a pirated serial number, or the same number used over and over.